ZoomLock MAX, copper pipe press fitting

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ZoomLock MAX, copper pipe press fitting

ZoomLock MAX, copper pipe press fitting

ZoomLock MAX, copper pipe press fitting
ZoomLock MAX, copper pipe press fitting

ZoomLock MAX refrigerant press fittings provide a faster, cleaner, safer connection using a braze-free, flame-free, refrigerant piping solution for HVACR systems. Parker ZoomLock MAX refrigerant press fittings allow the contractor to successfully make leak-free connections with a press fitting system without the use of a brazing torch. ZoomLock MAX refrigerant press fittings reduce installation costs, is more repeatable than brazing, improves system cleanliness, and creates secure leak-free copper tube connections. 

90 Degree Elbows


• Heat Pumps 
• Air Conditioning – Residential, Commercial, Chillers, VRF, VRV 
• Refrigeration – Cases, Coolers, Walk in Coolers, Freezers 
• Pipe sizes range from 1/4” to 1 1/8” 
• Transportation

ZoomLock MAX Refrigerant Press Fittings Introduction

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